Request for Bid: Appointment of a panel to render services as and when on a required basis to supply and deliver IT tools of trade

Publish date:10 July 2023

Received tenders: Appointment of panel of service providers to supply and deliver IT tools of trade as and when required for a period of 24 months.

Tender no CBRTA/HO/0071: Panel of service providers to supply and deliver IT tools of trade as and when required for a period of 24 months.

Received Tenders:

No: Name of Bidders

  1. Slimkulu Holdings
  2. Akb Technology
  3. Siraha Group
  4. Akili Data and Technology solutions
  5. Tshitavha Trading
  6. XIG Technologies
  7. Monka Investments
  8. Etrostax (Pty)Ltd
  9. Bopomu
  10. Luma ICT
  11. Kwenobel Trading
  12. Sage computer technologies
  13. Enabling ICT Solutions (Pty)Ltd
  14. Innovo Networks
  15. Ndende Technologies (Pty)Ltd
  16. Boraka IT Solutions
  17. Internet Technologies
  18. IT Master information technology consultants
  19. Neo Technologies
  20. Virtualize (Pty)Ltd
  21. Setsibi IT support services
  22. PHM Technologies
  23. Eureka Projects

Outcome of appointment of panel of suppliers to supply and deliver IT tools of trade as and when required for a period of twenty-four (24) months (C-BRTA/HO/0071)

The Cross-Border Road Transport Agency (C-BRTA) provides the outcome of the bid process for Appointment of Panel to render services of IT tools of trade as and when required.

#Winning bidder’s nameBEE Level
1Baraka IT Solutions (Pty)LtdLevel 1
2Neo Technologies (Pty)LtdLevel 1
3Nzwalo Investment (Pty)LtdLevel 1
4Sage Computer Technologies (Pty)LtdLevel 1