Other partnerships and initiatives
Border interventions
The C-BRTA participates in various border management activities and transport corridor development initiatives to ensure the seamless flow of cross-border passengers and goods. These activities and initiatives are represented at the following border management institutions:
- The Border Management Authority
- Inter-border committees
Corridor development
The C-BRTA is a key partner in various transport corridor development structures established by governments in the SADC region to develop, maintain and manage infrastructure and services on road corridors.
The C-BRTA is currently represented on the Trans-Kalahari Corridor working group, which jointly manages the corridor with Botswana and Namibia.
The agency is also represented in meetings of the Trans-Orange Corridor working group.
As part of a public-private partnership, the C-BRTA plays a vital role in developing the Maputo Corridor by being a member of the Maputo Corridor Logistics Initiative with Mozambique and Swaziland.
The Stakeholder Relations division is actively participating in transport working groups to ensure the effective implementation of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) memorandum of understanding, and harmonisation of transport regulations aimed at facilitating trade among SACU member states.
Addressing constraints
The agency identifies and addresses various constraints experienced and reported by cross-border operators and/or other affected parties to ensure the seamless movement of passengers and goods between South Africa and its neighbouring states.
Developing cross-border industry partnerships
The Cross-Border Road Transport Act (No. 4 of 1998), as amended, stipulates under part 7 of section 36 the need to establish appropriate consultative stakeholder forums. The aim is to improve relations with stakeholders within the value chain, as per the recommendations of the Stakeholder Management Plan. This, in turn, addresses matters spanning the three spheres of government to improve the flow of cross-border road transport from South Africa into and within the SADC region, thereby contributing to economic growth in the region.
In addition, the C-BRTA’s Stakeholder Relations division has developed partnerships with stakeholders within national, provincial and local government, as well as with the private sector, to enhance the value chain of cross-border operations and communicate the strategic value proposition.
The interests of stakeholders are currently managed through the Stakeholder Consultative Forum and the Municipality Forum.